Energy School Munich celebrates a round anniversary
It is ten years since the Munich-based environmental organisation Green City e.V. launched the educational project Energy School Munich. Since 2009, around 9,600 school pupils have taken part in its interactive workshops on topics relating to climate protection, energy conservation and renewable energies. Munich Re Foundation has been supporting the project since 2011 and congratulates the association on a decade of successful project work.

Equipped with an energy bike, solar cooker, kettle, thermal imaging camera and lots of other exciting tools, the environmental consultants from Green City visit primary and secondary schools in Munich with the aim of turning children and young people into junior energy researchers.
Depending on the pupils’ age and the type of school, there are two modules to choose from. The first module “Sun full of energy” is aimed at primary school classes 2 to 7 and features three varied practical workshops. The second set of “Energy with future” workshops are designed for secondary school pupils in classes 7 to 9, and also provide information on career prospects in the field of climate protection. Up to 10 classes per school can take part in the 2- to 4-day projects, and experience the complex topic area of energy, while researching and conducting their own experiments.

Even after 10 years, the project team from Green City is still visiting schools full of energy and enthusiasm, with a wealth of both expertise and experience under their belt. In addition, they are able to constantly develop and improve the learning content. The interactive workshops, excursions and wide range of work materials are closely connected with the everyday lives of the children and young people, and are a perfect complement to the climate- and energy-related topics in the school curriculum. The qualified environmental educators also show both teachers and pupils ways in which they can make a personal contribution to ensuring a liveable future – on a day-by-day basis.
Here at Munich Re Foundation, we are pleased that our support has helped to make these great workshops possible each year in Munich schools.
18 November 2019