Energyschool Munich receives Georg-Salvamoser-Award in the category "Young Energy"
The Green City project, Energy School Munich, received a further award in 2018. On 21 June, the project team accepted an award from the Georg Salvamoser Foundation in the special category "Young Energy". The €25,000 award is one of the most coveted environmental distinctions in Germany. We are delighted for Green City and would like to offer them our warmest congratulations on this achievement.

The three winners were presented with their awards in Munich on the sidelines of Intersolar, the world's leading exhibition for the solar industry. The award is named after a pioneer in solar technology who died in 2009, and is jointly sponsored by the city of Freiburg and the Georg Salvamoser Foundation. It supports people and institutions who drive forward the road to renewable energy and through their projects bring us closer to achieving 100 per cent energy supply from renewables, while in the process setting an example and acting as role models for others. The judges pointed out that it is today's younger generation who will be most affected by the coming climate change. It is therefore important to sensitise children and young adults at an early stage to the topics of renewable energy and climate protection.
Project coordinator Veronika Fröhlich and Green City Managing Director Martin Glöckner were delighted to receive the special award for "Young Energy" for their Energy School Munich project. In interactive workshops and exciting excursions, primary school and early secondary school children learn all about sustainable energy generation, energy saving and climate protection. The emphasis is on direct experience involving all the senses – and entirely without teacher direction. Veronika Fröhlich reported that the project had already reached more than 8,000 children and young adults. One of these is eleven-year-old Julius Lindemann, who accepted the certificate on behalf of his fellow pupils, and gave an emphatic yes to a question from moderator Franz Alt, who asked whether learning with the Energy School had really been fun.

Munich Re Foundation has been supporting the Green City project since 2010. The aim of the environmental teachers, to introduce future-related topics such as climate protection and energy consumption to young people at an early stage, is one that we strongly identify with. We are delighted for Green City and congratulate the association and those responsible on the award.
16 July 2018