Home Climate risk and adaptation Fog nets Fog nets - Videos © Munich Re Foundation Videos properties.trackTitle properties.trackSubtitle Video of the Bolivian fog net project WasserStiftung Share this content Close Share Close Linkedin Facebook Twitter Whatsapp E-Mail Copy Link PBS News Hour How scientists are harvesting fog to secure the world's water supply aqualonis How the CloudFisher works WasserStiftung Trinkwasser aus Nebel: Der CloudFisher Makeshift | Powerhackers Harvesting Water From the Sky in Arid Peru Deutsche Welle | Global 3000 Marocco: Catching fog in the mountains Aqua en el Aire | Warka Water El tejido de la Warka Water en Africa, Ethipia Creating Water Foundation 10.000 liters of water a day from the fog in Lima, Peru Thomson Reuters Foundation The art of catching fog aqualonis CloudFisher Tanzania 2017 WaterFoundation Producing drinking water from fog MIT Mechanical Engineering Harvesting Fresh Water form Fog Pro7 Galileo Nebelmelken in Marokko © Munich Re Foundation Further information on fog nets Fog nets WaterFoundation Fog nets aqualonis Fog nets FogQuest