RISK Award 2014 - ONG Inclusiva (Chile)
"Peñaflor town inclusive safe community: resilience for all"
People with disabilities are particularly vulnerable to disasters because of health, architectural and technological barriers. The 2014 RISK Award honours and funds a project dedicated to improving the inclusion of people with disabilities in disaster risk management (DRM). The winner of the 2014 RISK Award is ONG Inclusiva, an organisation based in Peñaflor, a town south of Santiago in Chile. The aim of the project is to reduce or eliminate barriers in the city.
News from the project
About the project

Carlos Kaiser, director of ONG Inclusiva stated: “We are very proud that we won the 2014 RISK Award. It will encourage the whole project team to carry on, find new partners – also within the government – and make disaster risk management in Peñaflor sustainable”. The RISK Award will increase the visibility for these kinds of important projects.
The prize was awarded at the opening ceremony of the International Disaster and Risk Conference (IDRC) on 24 August 2014. Around 800 participants from all over the world gathered in Davos to discuss the challenges and ways ahead in disaster risk reduction. Inclusive management is gaining more and more importance within the international DRM community. The Munich Re Foundation, UNISDR and GRF are therefore happy about the international jury's decision to give this project the 2014 RISK Award.
26 August 2014
Watch the video
Project report "Into Action"