
Digital. Innovative. Fair? The future on our doorsteps

2018 Dialogue forums

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    Globalisation is proceeding apace and societies are becoming increasingly diverse. At the same time, new technologies are being developed at a bewildering rate. They are starting to influence virtually every area of life. Innovations are changing our everyday routines, and changing us, the way we live together, the forms of communication we use, and our work environment. Digitalisation offers many new opportunities – particularly for people in developing countries. At the same time, people in the 21st century will be more dependent on digital systems – they will become “glass human beings”.

    News and reports

    The programme

    23 January 2018, 19:00: Globalisation and digitalisation – The world in the fast lane?
    New technologies present a host of opportunities and development options in a world that is becoming increasingly globalised. Things we could only dream of for decades, such as robots that can relieve us of work, are now suddenly a reality. But at the same time, digitalisation is changing our social structures and posing major challenges in terms of social cohesion. What will the world of tomorrow look like? Globalisation, anti-globalisation, or global cooperation? Where are the biggest opportunities, and where do the risks lie?
    Jannis Brühl, Head of the Digital Department at the Süddeutsche Zeitung
    Prof. Harald Lesch, Physicist, philosopher and science journalist
    Prof. Katharina Anna Zweig, Professor for Graph Theory and Analysis at the TU Kaiserslautern 
    22 February 2018, 19:00: Networked, innovative – How poorer countries can benefit
    Today, over 80% of the population in developing countries has access to a mobile phone. In many regions, internet access is more common than access to water, electricity or sanitary facilities. Sections of the population that were previously excluded suddenly have the opportunity to enjoy mobile banking and individual risk management services. Disaster warnings can be passed on in seconds to those affected. This is also changing development cooperation. What risks and opportunities come with digitalisation and innovation?
    Bernhard Kowatsch, Head of the Innovation Accelerator of the World Food Programme in Munich
    Victoria Wenzelmann, Head of Global Innovation Gathering
    Prof. Andrej Zwitter,  Professor for International Relations at the University of Groningen 
    20 March 2018: Blackout – How stable are our systems?
    We live in a world that is increasingly based on digital systems – in our daily lives, in the health and transport sectors, in communications, in industry, and in the world of finance. Our modern society is exposed to new kinds of risk: If one system collapses, entire supply networks can be paralysed. In many instances, there is even the risk of humanitarian crises developing. So how can we protect our systems? How real is the possibility of a blackout, and what precautions can be taken on an individual level?
    Prof. Gabi Dreo Rodosek, Director of the Cyber Defence Research Center at the University of Federal Armed Forces 
    Dirk Engling, Spokesperson for the Chaos Computer Club, Hamburg
    Dr. Harald Katzmair, Philosopher, networks and resilience researcher  
    12 April 2018, 19:00: "Digital dictatorship" – Prisoners in the new world?
    Data are a precious resource. They are collected, stored, analysed, and on occasion even manipulated. In the process, individuals lose their right to self-determination – they become glass human beings. Parallel digital worlds are being created on the web. And our social structures are also changing: social networks are creating new forms of communication and participation, opening borders and even triggering revolutions. Can we still win the battle for individual freedom?
    Henrik Klagges, Chairman of TNG Technology Consulting GmbH 
    Daniel Steil, Chairman and Editor in Chief FOCUS Online Germany
    Dr. Thilo Weigert, Former Data Protection Commissioner for the State of Schleswig-Holstein 
    16 May 2018, 19:00: Work 4.0 – Of robots and people
    In a digital world, our work environment is also changing: processes are becoming more efficient, work hours more flexible, and ways of communicating and obtaining information faster and faster. But at the same time, many processes are growing more complex. In some cases, people are being replaced by computers and many industries are fighting for their very survival. Robots will be our new work colleagues. Abstraction, alienation and work overload are just some of the challenges an employee faces today. The incidence of stress and burnout is rising. Where does this leave human beings? How can I protect myself in such extremely dynamic and uncertain times?
    Prof. Sami Haddadin, Chair of Robotics Science and Systems Intelligence, TU Munich
    Prof. Kerstin Jürgens, Professor and Head of the Microsociology Department at Kassel University
    Horst Kraemer, Expert for stress research and prevention 
    Presenter: Dr. Patrick Illinger, Science Editor of the Süddeutsche Zeitung in Munich
    Dialogue Forum special 14 November 2018: Innovative. Creative.Fair? Chances and risks of the digitalisation
    Internet, Social Media and Global Software are dominated by only a few large players. That sounds efficient at first. Amazon delivers everything the heart desires – very rapidly. Google answers even the most abstruse question and Facebook connects billions of people around the world. But what will happen once the Internet giants increasingly dictate our lives? Are we too dependent on a few powerful players in the industry? At the same time, young entrepreneurs in the digital world are developing new business ideas and covering market gaps. A variety of job opportunities is opening up – the traditional working world is getting revolutionised. Digitalisation brings opportunities and risks which require government regulation. With the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Europe tries to fulfill this responsibility. Is this sufficient? How well are we prepared? Which solutions will the digital Start-Up scene be able to develop?
    Julia Bönisch, Member of the editorial board of the Süddeutschen Zeitung with focus on digitalisation
    Vinzent Ellissen, Managing Director at the Munich Startup Usercentrics
    Frank Rieger, Speaker of the Chaos Computer Club Hamburg
    Presenter: Dr. Annegret Jennewein-Kobel, Opportunity Maker, free consultant and moderator